Todays Woman
Being a Todays Woman comes with many struggles and pleasures that men don’t get the chance to experience…
- The joys and fears of motherhood
- the challenging moments of being a woman in the workplace
- fulfilling the role of a caring spouse
- meeting the expectations set forth by American society
- …And the biggest challenge of all – balancing all the parts.
Life can throw quite a few monkey wrenches your way; infertility, sexuality issues, hormonal complications, and many others. Your life quietly judged and criticized by stereotypes and gender norms created within our culture. Living with the pressures of keeping up a certain appearance or aging ‘gracefully’.
Previously, past women were expected to stay home and raise children. However, as our society has progressed. You now have the option of pursuing a career and being a mother or you may choose to not be a mother at all. It’s understandable to feel conflicted and unsure if you want to be a mother if you want to work full or part-time or not all.
Being a todays woman comes with an unwritten rule to be all the things and fill all of these different life roles… and fulfill them exceptionally. Being a woman means to do it and do it well. It’s as if you have to wake up every morning and put on a superhero cape that no one actually sees or recognizes.
Most likely you’re feeling overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted by trying to be everything to everyone in your life. But the worst part of all of this is – you can’t even complain to anyone about it. If you say something to your spouse they think you’re blaming them, your kids can’t change anything for you, your boss can’t fix the chaos in your house. And you won’t dare say a thing to your girlfriends because they are all in the same boat!
Being a Todays Woman comes with an unwritten rule to be all the things.
We are expected to fill all of these different life roles. And fulfill them exceptionally. Being a woman means to do it and do it well. It’s as if you have to wake up every morning and put on a superhero cape that no one actually sees or recognizes.
You’re overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted trying to be everything to everyone in your life, and the worst part you can’t even complain to anyone about it. If you say something to your spouse they think you’re blaming them, your kids can’t change anything for you, your boss can’t fix the chaos in your house. And you won’t dare say a thing to your girlfriends because they are all in the same boat!
Doing too many things and wearing too many hats!
You’re pretty sure if things keep going the way they are – you are going to burn out and have a mental breakdown. You haven’t had a good night’s rest in years. Late nights spent getting lunches together, planning the meals for the week, folding laundry, and ironing your clothes for work the next day.
You crawl out of bed each morning brushing your teeth and off to the races you go. The marathon morning, waking everyone up and get them ready along with the task of getting yourself together. Rushing out of your house with your briefcase and purse in one hand, a kid’s backpack slung over your shoulder, a cup of coffee carefully balanced in your hand, and your car keys clenched between your teeth.
When did life get this rushed and busy?
You get to work a little late, as usual. You sit down at your desk and become flooded with the images of household chores waiting for you when you get home. You haven’t even had the time to process the fact that three months ago you and your husband had a miscarriage, which left you feeling devastated and questioning if another kid is even the best thing to do now. On top of that, you two haven’t had sex since. You question if he even finds you attractive anymore.
Your supervisor stops by your office to ask if you have finished that audit her boss is waiting on. You look up with your eyes full of tears. Holding back those tears, you look up and tell her you’ll have it to her before lunch. As she walks out of the door frame the tears start to trail down your cheeks. Hiding your face into your hands, you tell yourself “Pull it together. There is far too much to do to get all emotional.”
Everyone woman deserves to feel supported and to be supported
by another woman who gets it!
- Imagine having a safe place to talk about everything that goes through your head on a daily basis.
- Imagine feeling less pressured and rushed to be a certain way and conduct yourself in a certain manner.
- Imagine feeling supported and understood. Feeling heard and recognized.
- Imagine feeling appreciated at home by your children and spouse.
- Imagine having time to complete responsibilities, but also time to relax at night before going to bed.
- Imagine going to bed earlier and sleeping soundly.
- Imagine living a life with less guilt.
Experience genuine happiness!
We get it, counseling takes time and energy that you just don’t seem to have. And we’re sure you have thought about finding someone a million times, but just haven’t made that call before. Guess what?
You are important enough to create the time.
And as far as the energy goes you are welcome to show up in your most comfy clothes and curl up on our couch with a cup of tea and let it all go. Because in our office there are no expectations of how you should be dressed or how energetic and happy you should be.
Nope, we welcome you to come in and be your most authentic self for the day; even if that authentic self is exhausted and daydreaming of your bed later tonight.